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Massively Parallel Neural Circuits for Stereoscopic Color Vision: Encoding, Decoding and Identification. Neural Networks, volume 63, pages 254-271, March 2015. A. A. Lazar, N. H. Ukani, and Y. Zhou. A General Model for Divisive Normalization and its Identification. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 2017. A. A. Lazar, N. H. Ukani, and Y. Zhou. Sparse Functional Identification of Complex Cells from Spike Times and the Decoding of Visual Stimuli. Neurons and Cognition, arXiv.org, June 2017. A. A. Lazar, T. Liu, and Y. Zhou. Divisive Normalization Circuits Faithfully Represent Visual, Olfactory and Auditory Stimuli. BMC Neuroscience 2019, 20 (Suppl 1): P353, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 2019. A. A. Lazar, N. H. Ukani, C.-H. Yeh, and Y. Zhou. NeuroGFX: A Graphical Functional Explorer for Fruit Fly Brain Circuits. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 2017. A. A. Lazar, N. H. Ukani, and Y. Zhou. 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Evaluating with Natural Scenes the End-to-End Motion Detection of the Drosophila Early Visual System. Neurobiology of Drosophila, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, October 2023. A. A. Lazar, T. Liu, C.-H. Yeh, and Y. Zhou. Odorant Mixture Separation in the Drosophila Mushroom Body Calyx. Neurobiology of Drosophila, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, October 2023. B. Y. Bu, A. A. Lazar, and Y. Zhou. End-to-End Modeling of the Drosophila Early Vision System with Cascading Divisive Normalization Processors. Neuroscience 2024, Society for Neuroscience, October 2024. A. A. Lazar, T. Liu, C.-H. Yeh, and Y. Zhou. Modeling and Characterization of Pure and Odorant Mixture Processing in the Drosophila Mushroom Body Calyx. Frontiers in Physiology: Invertebrate Physiology, volume 15, September 2024. A. A. Lazar, S. Shukla, and Y. Zhou. Generating Wiring Diagrams of Local Processing Units of the Drosophila Central Complex. Neurobiology of Drosophila, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, October 2023. A. A. 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The Fruit Fly Brain Observatory: From Structure to Function. bioRxiv, volume 580290, March 2019. N. H. Ukani, C.-H. Yeh, A. Tomkins, Y. Zhou, D. Florescu, C. L. Ortiz, Y.-C. Huang, C.-T. Wang, P. Richmond, C.-C. Lo, D. Coca, A.-S. Chiang, and A. A. Lazar. The Fruit Fly Brain Observatory: from Structure to Function. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting, February 2017. N. H. Ukani, C.-H. Yeh, A. Tomkins, Y. Zhou, D. Florescu, C. L. Ortiz, Y.-C. Huang, C.-T. Wang, P. Richmond, C.-C. Lo, D. Coca, A.-S. Chiang, and A. A. Lazar. The Fruit Fly Brain Observatory: from Structure to Function. Neurokernel Request for Comments, Neurokernel RFC #7, December 2016. M. Yang, C.-H. Yeh, Y. Zhou, J. P. Cerqueira, A. A. Lazar, and M. Seok. A 1μW Voice Activity Detector Using Analog Feature Extraction and Digital Deep Neural Network. 2018 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), pages 346-348, February 2018. M. Yang, C.-H. Yeh, Y. Zhou, J. P. Cerqueira, A. A. Lazar, and M. 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Florescu, C. L. Ortiz, P. Richmond, C.-C. Lo, D. Coca, A.-S. Chiang, and A. A. Lazar. NeuroNLP: a Natural Language Portal for Aggregated Fruit Fly Brain Data. Neurokernel Request for Comments, Neurokernel RFC #8, December 2016. N. H. Ukani, A. Tomkins, C.-H. Yeh, W. Bruning, A. L. Fenichel, Y. Zhou, Y.-C. Huang, D. Florescu, C. L. Ortiz, P. Richmond, C.-C. Lo, D. Coca, A.-S. Chiang, and A. A. Lazar. NeuroNLP: A Natural Language Portal for Aggregated Fruit Fly Brain Data. Computational Neuroscience Meeting, BMC Neuroscience 2017, volume 18 (Suppl 1):60, July 2017.