Patents by Y. B. Slutskiy
Systems and methods for an optical nanoscale array for sensing and recording of electrically excitable cells
Inventors:- D. R. Englund, A. A. Lazar, C. Rastogi, and Y. B. SlutskiyPatent Publication Number:- WO/2012/174112 , Publication Date 20 December, 2012
Application Number:- PCT/US2012/042255 , Filing Date:- 13 June 2012 Link
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Systems and methods for identification of spike-processing circuits
Inventors:- A. A. Lazar and Y. B. SlutskiyPatent Number:- 9,171,249 , Date of Patent 27 October, 2015
Application Number:- PCT/US2013/050115 , Filing Date:- Jul 11, 2013 Link
Plain Text
Systems and methods for channel identification, encoding, and decoding multiple signals having different dimensions
Inventors:- A. A. Lazar and Y. B. SlutskiyPatent Number:- 20160148090 , Date of Patent 26 May, 2016
Application Number:- 14/948884 , Filing Date:- 23 November, 2015 Link
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